On the 8-th of April 2019 at Turkmen National Institute for sports and tourism by the research fellows of the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan was organized an exhibition


On the 8-th of April 2019 at Turkmen National Institute for sports and tourism by the research fellows of the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan was organized an exhibition named «Land of prosperity – national heritage of Turkmenistan»

At the prosperous epoch of the powerful state culture of Turkmen people is marked by the great achievements. Museums of our country take rather important place in restoring values connected with history of human race, culture, in still more strengthening of friendly relations with peoples of the world, popularisation of humanism and peace, up bringing of rising generation in the spirit of patriotism. The State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan makes the worthy contribution into this business, it regularly organizes the guest exhibitions devoted to the year «Turkmenistan – the Motherland of prosperity» at the institution of higher education.

Such guest exhibition was organized on the 8-th of April at Turkmen National Institute for sports and tourism. The exhibition, composed of the values kept at the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan is named «Land of prosperity – national heritage of Turkmenistan» and it will last up to the 14-th of April.

Teaching staff and the students of the Institute participated in the inauguration of the exhibition. The exhibition was opened by the manager of the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan, candidate of historical science Ovezmukhammet Mammetnurov. Then the floor was given to the senior lecturer of department of social science of Turkmen National Institute for sports and tourism Ogulnyazik Isenova and head of department of Nature and Local lore of the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan Enedjan Altyyeva.

In the course of the exhibition the students acquainted with ancient carpets and carpet products, national garments, articles of everyday use and musical instruments of Turkmen people and listened to the interesting information of the staff of the museum.