Guest exhibition named «Turkmenistan with a rich history – Motherland of prosperity» at Magtymguly Turkmen State University


In honour of the announcement of 2019 «Turkmenistan –  Motherland of prosperity» the State museum of the State cultural centre Turkmenistan under the guidance of the Ministry of culture of Turkmenistan set itself a task to carry out in the course of year regular guest exhibitions in institutions of higher education of the country. Therefore, the State museum has organized at Magtymguly Turkmen State University a guest exhibition named «Turkmenistan with a rich history - Motherland of prosperity». The exhibition was opened as a solemn occasion on the 12-th of February with the participation of the faculty and students of the University.

At the exhibition the floor was given to the manager of the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan Ovezmukhammet Mammetnurov, vice-chancellor of Turkmen State University on research Gulgeldy Annayev and the four-year student of archaeology speciality R.Khodjageldiyev. They have told that in the year named «Turkmenistan – Motherland of prosperity», the leader of the nation leads the country to swift successes, confirming it by the carrying out of reforms, including studying of glorious history of the Turkmen people, transformation of magnificence of national values into basis of activity in upbringing of rising generation.

 Journalists of «Türkmenistan», «Ýaşlyk» TV channels, «Nesil» “Нейтральный Туркменистан», «Watan», «Türkmenistan», «Edebiýat we sungat» newspapers    and  «Medeniýet» magazine also participated in the exhibition. The  research fellows of the museum A.Durdyyev, M.Gairova and Sh.Karayeva told the guests a lot of interesting information about historical values and articles of applied arts, which were the component of the exhibition.

Мuseum values presented at the guest exhibition named «Turkmenistan with a rich history - Motherland of prosperity», deeply impressed on the participants of the exhibition, they acknowledged hero Аrkadag for the problem-free life.