At the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan is organized an exhibition «Nature of Тurkmenistan along the Great Silk way»

On 5-th of June 2018 at the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan was carried out inauguration of the exhibition devoted to the World day of environmental protection named «Nature of Тurkmenistan along the Great Silk way». In this cultural event participated the scientists of the Institute of Biology and medicinal plants of Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, professors, teachers and students of higher educational institutions of the country, personnel of the Committee for Environmental protection and land resources of Turkmenistan, scientists of the National Institute of Desert, vegetable and animal worlds of Turkmenistan, regulators of Nature Preservation Society of Turkmenistan.

The occasion was opened by the manager of the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan, candidate of historical science Ovezmukhammet Маmmetnurov. Then the floor was given to the teacher of geographical department of Magtymguly Turkmen State University, candidate of geological and mineralogical science А.G.Bushmakin, manager of Geobotany and National herbarium fund laboratory of the Institute of Biology and medicinal plants of Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, candidate of biological science P.Kepbanov, main research scientist of Biodiversity laboratory of National institute of deserts, flora and fauna of State Committee on Environment Protection and land resources of Turkmenistan E.Kokanova, professor of cattle farming department of S.A.Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University S.Annamukhammedov, post-graduate student of the Institute of History of Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan G.Balyyeva, professor of department of Industrial ecology of Turkmen State Architectural Institute О.Оrazdurdyyeva, inspector of Аkhal Province Society on Environment Protection of Turkmenistan G.Charyyarova.

During the opening of the exhibition scientists have told about the activity on environmental protection and the policy carried out by the honourable President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov in this direction. Museum research fellows were given presents from the Society on Environment Protection of Turkmenistan for the excursions carried out in the exposition of ethnography and local lore of the State museum of State cultural centre of Turkmenistan and for active participation in propaganda of problems of environmental protection on TV and broadcasting. In honour of the World day of environmental protection in May of this year at the State museum of Turkmenistan was held competition in the field of ecology among students of departments of chemistry and biology and geography of Magtymguly Turkmen State University and S.A.Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University. The winners were awarded during the opening of the exhibition.

Then the guests acquainted with the values of the exhibition. Here are exposed photos of natural monuments of Turkmenistan, the map of especially guarded places of Turkmenistan, photos of plants included into the Red Data book of Turkmenistan, stuffed animals, carpet pictures, works of artists, which glorify the beauty of Turkmen nature. Тhere are also books and magazines concerning ecology.