Nature of Тurkmenistan along the Great Silk way

The State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan invites those who wishes to the exhibition named «Nature of Тurkmenistan along the Great Silk way», devoted to the World day of environmental protection, which will be held on the 4-th of June 2018 at 15:00.


President of Тurkmenistan

Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov

«Nature of Тurkmenistan – our national patrimony. We must preserve it and descend to the coming generations».

On the 5-th of June Тurkmenistan celebrates World day of environmental protection, established by the UN General Assembly, together with world community. This date occupies a remarkable in the national list of significant dates.

As we know, now the problems connected with protection of nature are given attention on a world scale. From the first days of gaining independence our state has joined the work of the decision of world environmental problems and was one of the first who has entered the agreement on protection of nature. There are «Restrictive agreement on climate fluctuation», «Agreement on biodiversity», Vienna Agreement «About ozone layer protection» and Montreal «Report on the substances destroying ozone layer» and others among them.

President of Тurkmenistan honourable Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov has suggested to name 2018 «Тurkmenistan - heart of the Great Silk way». At the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan is organized an exhibition «Nature of Тurkmenistan along the Great Silk way» connected with a name of this year and in honour of the World day of environmental protection, with a purpose of propagation to the population of protection of the fine nature of our Motherland.

President of Turkmenistan of Turkmenistan in his book «Turkmenistan – heart of the Great Silk way», telling about amazing nature monuments, which exist in our country, says about their unique beauty.

At the exhibition «Turkmen nature along the Great Silk way» are demonstrated photos of the amazing nature monuments located in Turkmenistan. There are footprint of dinosaurs on Khodjapil mountain ridge, footprint of ancient Arabian camels in Gaurli, Karlyukcaves, Kyrkgyz cave, Yeroilanduz hollow, groves of the Amudarya, Ayrybaba mountain ridge, woodland of Arnap, Seyrek pistachio grove, Ay mountains among them, which adorn the exhibition. Landscape carpets woven by Turkmen carpet makers and the pictures of Turkmen and Russian artists glorifying our fine nature give peculiar attractiveness to the exhibition.

The exhibition is continued by the map «Especially protected places of Turkmenistan», stuffed animals and photos of plants, included into the Turkmen Red Data book, ikebana compositions made of herabarium, books and magazines, connected with protection of nature.