Famous horse – the wings of our beloved Fatherland

The State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan invites those who wishes to the exhibition named “Famous horse – the wings of our beloved Fatherland”, devoted to the holiday of Turkmen horse, which will be held on the 23 of April 2018 at 10:00.

It is impossible to imagine the past and the present of our people without a horse. The fact that our honourable President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov pays great attention to horse breeding, sets a problem of development of horse breeding on the state level has a big sense, according to his decree every year on last Sunday of April is solemnly celebrated Holiday of Turkmen horse and it has a big sense. The horse is a symbol of existence of the Turkmen people. It is the first fastest vehicle bred by Turkmen horse breeders. Turkmens have founded the large states with a help of horses and had an influence on world development. Our ancestors at certain kept abreast of the history with horses and at some stages could outstrip it.

During the whole history the horse played an important role in the life of Turkmens. The horse, being cultivated during the epoch of Turkmen ancestor Oguz khan, became a part of his victories on the battlefield.

Today the fact that Oguz Turkmens first cultivated horses is not in question. Sound argument is the find of the most ancient bones in archaeology of cultivated in Маrgush horses. As it is known from the history, the thoroughbred Turkmen horse is considered to be a classic for five thousand years already. The close connection of akhalteke horses with people, their devotion to the master is described in ancient legends and historical works.

During the years of independence traditions of Turkmen races are being continued, but in modern style. In our independent, permanently neutral state races, horse competitions, marches are carried out at the state level with the participation of a number of worshippers. These days equestrian sport is developed in all provinces and capital in wide range. Horse breeding of the Turkmen people - a reliable source for upbringing of healthy and sound-minded generation.

At the State museum of the State cultural centre was organized an exhibition named “Famous horse – the wings of our beloved Fatherland” and devoted to the holiday of Turkmen horse. The exhibition is composed of the national musical instruments taken out of the museum storehouses, documentary photography, pictures of horses in the carpets, works of well-known artists, ancient harness, horse cloth, whip, horse adornments and carpet products. In modern jewellery compositions you can see various images of winged horses.