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Inauguration of the exhibition named “Novruz – International holiday of peace and beauty” that took place at the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan on 15-th of March 2018 года and devoted to the National spring holiday was crowded. The well-known creative forces and cultural workers, teachers, librarians and students of the institutions of higher education participated in it.
The celebration was opened by the manager of the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan, candidate of historical science О. Mаmmetnurov, who congratulated heartily those present with the coming spring holiday. In his speech, he pointed that National spring holiday, timed to Novruz holiday became not only nature holiday, but also universal solemnity of harmonic relations of people and nations, friendship and brotherhood at the prosperous epoch of the powerful state.
At present Novruz is celebrated as an official beginning of the New year from the 21-st of March in Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan Iran, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Iraq, India, Kyrgyzstan and other regions. Novruz means “New day” word for word”.
We should mention in passing that the announcement of Novruz holiday in 2010 as International by General Assembly of the United Nations, inclusion by UNESCO in the list of non-material values of mankind, brings together the people and the countries celebrating this holiday, which have arisen in antiquity.
Then the floor was given to the head of department of the Institute of Ethnography and archaeology of Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan Khandurdy Gurbanov, head of literary and dramatic department of Turkmen national Alp Arslan drama theatre, writer Mаmetgurban Mаmetgurbanov, Honoured cultural worker of Turkmenistan, poetess Oguljemal Charyyeva, subeditor of “Galkynyş” newspaper, poetess Leyli Gurbanova, teacher of Turkmen State Academy of Fine Arts Jeren Baltayeva, senior staff scientist the Institute of biology and medicinal plants of Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan Maral Sakhatova, librarian of the State library of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan Oguljemal Orasdurdyyeva, senior staff scientist of the library of Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan Gultach Kakayeva, teacher of Turkmen national conservatoire Durjemal Chanlyyeva, senior lecturer of the same institution, Honoured Artist of Turkmenistan Aygul Yagshyyeva, actor of Turkmen national Magtymguly musical and drama theatre Gulshirin Annamyradova, who told in their instructive reports about the achievements reached before the National spring holiday under the wise guidance of the leader of the nation and evaluated peculiar demonstration of spiritual revival.
During this celebration were read verses and played melodies, which glorified rapid development of our beloved country under the wise guidance of the honourable President at the prosperous epoch of the powerful state, beautiful Turkmen spring nature and coming Novruz holiday.
At the exhibition named “Novruz – International holiday of peace and beauty” are widely exposed works of Turkmen artists. Painters depicted beauty of Turkmen spring nature. A special place at the exhibition named is given to national garments, carpets and carpet products, jewelry and modern jewelry. And young green wheat growth, from which is cooked Novruz holiday meal “semeni”, brings a special colour.