The State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan invites all who wishes to the educational conference “The role of the Great Silk way in the history of Turkmenistan”

The State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan invites all who wishes to the educational conference The role of the Great Silk way in the history of Turkmenistan and exhibition in honour of the year “Turkmenistan-heart of the Great Silk way”, which will be held on the 2nd of February 2018 at 10.00.


The role of the Great Silk way in the history of Turkmenistan


The Great Silk way, which takes a sufficient place in the history of Turkmenistan, decorates long and glorious history of our courageous people in the Middle Ages. Just at that period this way has played a role of the guarantor of development of trade and cooperation between the people of East and West. Turkmenistan, which was situated at the crossroad of this trading way, took a special place in prosperity of peace in this region.

Our honourable President writes in his new book “Turkmenistan – heart of the Great Silk way” that when lines of caravans entered the Turkmen land they were sure that they have come to the peaceful and problem-free land and there is no more threat over them and throughout all caravan way in the Turkmen land was constructed the set of caravanserais and was provided safety of caravans in the Turkmen land, that caravanserais, adorned the ancient Turkmen land beginning from ancient Аmul up to Merv, Sаrakhs and Аnau, further from Nisa to Dekhistan and Dashoguz as well.

Really, the Middle Ages were very interesting period, during which on the Great Silk way were developed trade and trade relations in the regions.

In the Middle Ages such cities as Merv, Gurganj, Abyverd, Nisa, Dekhistan have turned into the trade and craft centres. The Great Silk way, which binded the countries of Middle East with Europe passed through these cities. In Khurasan and Khoresm have been constructed caravanserais, mosques, palaces and mausoleums, which have become architectural masterpieces.

Culture was also blossoming at that period. Big libraries in which funds were stored thousand books testify to it. World famous scientists and poets lived in Mеrvе and Gurganj.

The fact that the cities of Gurgandj, Merv and Dekhistan located along the Great Silk way, were a link between Europe and Asia, promoted development of trade, art and culture.

At the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan is organized the exhibition for educational conference “The role of the Great Silk way in the history of Turkmenistan” in honour of the year Turkmenistan – heart of the Great Silk way. An exhibition is adorned by the portrait of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, citations from its speeches, the book “Turkmenistan-heart of the Great Silk way”, other books connected with the history of our people, works of artists devoted to monuments along the Great Silk way, the monuments located along the Great Silk way, a map of the Great Silk way, carpets-pictures connected with the sphere of transport, compositions, the artefacts found in the monuments of the Great Silk way, photos of these monuments and other museum values.