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Every year on 27-th of January in our country is triumphantly celebrated the Day of the Defender of Fatherland. This day Turkmen officers and soldiers who, are all out to protect the Motherland and improve their battle training, unanimously feel care of the honourable President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov of them and pride of our people.
Over all the history of Turkmens they have shown themselves as ready-witted and fearless soldiers. If we have a look at the eposes “Gorkut ata”, “Gorogly” and destans “Yusup-Ahmet”, “Dovletyar”, protagonists are shown as brave commanders. The representatives of our people who have been courageous soldiers have a big merit in the foundation of number of states and maintenance of their stability.
At the prosperous epoch of the powerful state is also paid great attention to material security of our Armed Forces, patriotic upbringing of soldiers and officers, perfection of their fighting efficiency. Turkmen armed forces personnel keep on defending of independence, tranquillity and power of our country as apple of their eye.
Turkmen soldiers and officers regularly participate in the cultural events carried out at the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan. They were the main guests of the solemn opening of the exhibition named “Defence of Motherland is sacred” devoted to the Day of the Defender of Fatherland, which was held on 22-nd of January 2018. Тhe celebration was opened by the manager of the State museum, candidate of historical science Ovezmukhammet Mammetnurov, who congratulated all those present with coming Day of the Defender of Fatherland and told about the importance of defending of the Motherland in short. Then the floor was given to the correspondent of the information centre near the Ministry of Home Affairs of Turkmenistan, poetess Edjegyz Charyyeva, subeditor of “Ahal durmuşy” newspaper Dyrnabat Аshyrova, assistant professor of the department of social sciences of Saparmurat Turkmenbashy the Great Military institute of the Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan Khydyrguly Vakhanov, subeditor of “Garagum” magazine Nurtach Annamukhammedova, subeditor of газеты «Galkynyş» newspaper Leyli Gurbanova, commander-teacher of Berdymukhamet Annayev special-purpose military school №1 of the Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan captain Shamurad Kurrayev, student of Saparmurat Turkmenbashy the Great Military institute of the Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan Оvezgeldy Gylychtaganov, who told in detail about heroism shown by Turkmen commanders and warriors, the importance of defending of the Motherland and patriotic upbringing of the youth. Poets read their poems with inspiration. Military personnel, soldiers and military students were invited as the guests.
After the exhibition was opened all those present acquainted the exposed museum values.