The success of «Galkynyş» group of national horse games

As is known, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Hero Arkadag in January was on a visit to the Principality of Monaco. The same days «Galkynyş» group of national horse games having successfully acted at 47th International festival of a circus art in Monte Carlo city of the Principality of Monaco, has been awarded the Gold cup and other special prizes. It became a bright evidence of the fact that on the initiative of the National Leader and due to the care of the honourable President the circus art of the country is led on the world level. In honour of this joyful occasion on the1st of February 2025 in Arkadag city have been carried out solemn events. The celebration have started on the square in front of «Akhan» monument of Arkadag city. Here have sounded songs sung by workers of art and culture. Participants of «Galkynyş» group of national horse games have come to the Gorogly State horse circus of Arkadag city of along Аkhan and Aba Аnnаеv avenues. Here they have been met and congratulated with success by honourable elders, horse breeder-instructors and there has taken also place the ceremony of their rewarding. Within the framework of the celebrations organized in Arkadag city has been made an exhibition dedicated to the last successes of «Galkynyş» group of national horse games. At the entry the Gorogly State horse circus has been also organized an exhibition of national values. At this exhibition have been presented exhibits from storehouses of the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan. The special place at the exhibition has been given to the values concerning a Turkmen horse. After finding of Independence, in the work of protection of the national heritage and its enrichment the look on national carpets was filled with the new maintenance. Our skilful carpet makers are not limited with weaving of national patterns, they pay special attention to the weaving of carpets with the picture of the horses, which are the pride of the Turkmen people. The sufficient place is given to carpet pictures with the woven «Akhan» and «Arkadag» monuments. There are also exposed horse adornments. Here are also demonstrated jewellery compositions, harness and figurines.