Тurkmen alabai – devoted friend of a man

Thanks to tireless care of the honourable President, there is carried out a lot of work on popularization of our relics, which originated in ancient times and have become the universal values. The International association «Turkmen alabais» created in the country increases authority of Turkmen alabais all over the world still more. First of all, this association gives the chance to base theoretically substantiated work carried out in this area, to continue ancient direction of cultivation of alabais and preservations of their purity. Turkmen alabai, which is capable to feel as a man, who is considered to be its devoted friend, promotes growth of our national authority. For the purpose of augmentation of the international authority of Turkmen alabai, thanks to indefatigable care of the honourable President, every year on the last Sunday of October in the country is celebrated the holiday of Turkmen alabai. In honour of this holiday in the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan is organized an exhibition named «Turkmen alabai – devoted friend of a man». The sufficient place is given to carpets, with the woven images of Turkmen alabais. On them with the big artistry are shown features of alabai – endurance, reliability, courage, fidelity. At the exhibition there are also presented clay figurines of the dogs found during archaeological excavations, old photos from storehouse of written sources, jewellery, the works of painting, which represent alabais. The exhibition was opened by the director of the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan Meretgeldy Charyev. Then the floor was given to the head of department «Theatres and entertainment centres» of the Ministry of culture of Turkmenistan Agamyrat Baltaev, editor-in-chief of «Behişdi ahalteke atlary» and «Türkmeniň nusgalyk alabaýy» magazines Narly Nuryev, head of Маry regional centre of «Turkmen alabais» International association, the Honoured dog breeder of Turkmenistan Atamyrat Suleymanov, head of Buzmein district council of Magtymguly Youth organization of Turkmenistan Bezirgen Orazmammedoc, member of theTurkmen State frontier services, senior lieutenant Furkatjan Matkurbanov. In their speeches they told in detail about anciency of Turkmen alabai, its fortitude, sharpness, fearlessness, wisdom, devotion.