Magtymguly Pyragy and national heritage

At the era of Revival of a new epoch of the powerful staff of the museum carry out purposeful work on restoration, careful storage and protection, demonstration and popularization of history of Turkmens, national heritage, awakening of love to the Fatherland, glorious history of Turkmens by means of museum values, and perfection of the professional skill as well under the guidance of the honourable President. On the 26th of September 2024 at Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy the Great museum of fine arts of Turkmenistan by the Ministry of culture of Turkmenistan and the National Centre of trade unions of Turkmenistan have been summed up professional competition under named «Magtymguly Pyragy and national heritage» with participation of staff of museums of the country. Each worker of a museum, who participated in competition, by the terms of the competition has presented the modern scientific information, operating instructions, articles published in newspapers and magazines, on sites of the ministries and museums, declamations read in mass media and from scenes. The first prize of the competition was awarded to the deputy head of division «Ethnography of Turkmenistan» of the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan Меrjеn Nuryeva. The rest of participants were handed valuable gifts.