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Submitted by museum on 10.06.2024
Under a wise guidance of the honourable President in the country every year on 12th of June in a big way is celebrated day of the Science.At the State museum of State cultural centre of Turkmenistan in honour of day of the Science is organized an exhibition under the name «Science - the important area on the way of reforms». The exhibition begins with a portrait of the honourable President, the State symbolics and an emblem of the year. The exhibition consists of two sections, in the first section are shown documentary photos of the archaeological excavations connected with history of Turkmenistan and a finds, found during these excavations. Among them are the ceramic and metal tableware, architectural fragments, wall ornaments attract attention by their originality, fancifulness, design.
In the second section are presented the documentary photos connected with natural sciences and various museum values. Here are located the microscope, laboratory accessories, minerals of Turkmenistan: limestone, marble onyx, chalcedony, sulphur, celestine, anhydrite, gypsum and other minerals. In the course of the exhibition it is possible to see the petrified remains of the ancient animals, concerning paleontology. Among them ammonites, shells, the sea hedgehogs, the petrified wood amaze visitors. Here are also presented portraits of the scientists, who have brought the big contribution into development of Turkmen science, the popular science literature.
The exhibition was opened by the head of division of the State museum of State cultural centre of Turkmenistan Durdymyrat Atdayev with the words of greeting. Then the floor was given to the head of division of the National educational institute of Turkmenistan, doctor of biological science Sapargeldi Durdyyev, head of department of S.A.Nyyazov Turkmen agricultural university Saparmyrat Annamukhammedov, senior lecturer of Y. Kakayev International oil and gas university, candidate of geological and mineralogical science Ogulgerek Bayramdurdyyeva, the main research officer of the Institute of Desert, the vegetable and animal worlds of Turkmenistan, candidate of biological science Ejebaý Kokanova, subeditor of “Ahal durmuşy” newspaper Durnabat Ashуrova.
The interesting speeches of the guests were met with applause.