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On the 11-th of November at the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan was carried out a theoretical and practical conference “Turkmenistan - an ancient land of silkworm breeding” and in its course was organized an exhibition named “Silkworm breeding – ancient handicraft”.
A culture of Turkmen silkworm breeding originates in deep ancient times. Various historical sources and the excavation carried out in the country for many years, testify that silkworm breeding was one of the most thin and ancient crafts. Borders of Turkmenistan were located down on borders of passage of the Great Silk Road, were the basic bridge for maintenance of its economic safety and regular realization. From the values created by Turkmens silk fabrics were one of the goods, which were in demand in the trade relations carried out on the Great Silk Road. In medieval written sources is described, that, thanks to trade caravans, on markets of such large cities as Mary, Urgench, Nisa, Dekhistan along with the various goods was carried out trade of cotton and silk fabrics, rice and raw silk, brought from China, Iraq, Iran, India, Caucasus countries,
At the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan was carried out a theoretical and practical conference “Turkmenistan - an ancient land of silkworm breeding” organized by the Ministry of culture of Turkmenistan, secretariat of National commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO activity and Ministry of textile industry of Turkmenistan. In its course was organized an exhibition named “Silkworm breeding – ancient handicraft”. A conference was opened by the head of Management of non-material heritage of the Ministry of culture of Turkmenistan Gozel Magtymgulyyeva. In the conference senior lecturer of department of textile manufacture of S.A. Nyyazov Turkmen agricultural university Arzygul Kakаlyyeva, lecturer of Silkworm and plant protection department of S.A. Nyyazov Turkmen agricultural university Myrаtberdy Chopanov, senior lecturer of of Turkmen State institute of culture Maral Khojagulyyeva, lecturer of applied arts department of State Academy of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan Jeren Charyyeva, deputy head of ethnography department of the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan Bahartach Rustemova, senior research officer отдела of ethnography department of the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan Ogulbairam Durdyyeva.
In the exhibition, which consists of two sections, in the first are placed materials about history of silkworm breeding, kinds of cocoons and labour tools used in silk spinning. Besides it are presented kinds of Nurkmen national wear: dresses from keteni cloth, oriental robes, head caps, capes. The dummy of the Turkmen woman, which spins a yarn gives it national colour.
At the exhibition organized by the Ministry of textile industry of Turkmenistan are demonstrated kinds of modern clothes, silk carpet and carpet products, fabrics, namely, panne velvet, keteni, big kerchiefs, all this shows the perfection of silkworm breeding branch at present.