Museum of the President of Turkmenistan

 The museum of the President of Turkmenistan of the Main national museum of Turkmenistan is one more page entered by gold letters in history of the culture development of the independent neutral state Turkmenistan. Creation of a museum in 2009 became possible only in the days of independence and new revival of Turkmenistan where the leader of the country is a person of high culture deeply respecting history and traditions of the people, aspiring to deduce the country on international scene, is a President of Turkmenistan GurbangulyBerdymukhamedov.

Having entered into a building at once, the spirit of the sovereign state, with his personal symbols ‒ national flag, the arms and standard of the President of the independent neutral state Turkmenistan, is felt.

The museum consists of three floors, two of which open history of development of the state from the date when Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov became President. On the third floor administrative premises are located. 
The museum exposition consists of 10 sections, acquaintance with which begins with a political map of Turkmenistan.


Political map of Turkmenistan ‒ fine representation of the country, its huge in 448,1 thousand in of territory with Kopetdag mountains, Karakum desert and water resources, with its administrative division on 5 regions, natural riches and borders with neighbouring countries. In the first exhibition showcases clearly presented that are now the most valuable exhibits of the museum, the elements of the ancient Turkmen tradition of honoring national leader included in the official procedure of the inauguration - white felted cloth (felt homespun carpet), as a sign of blessing for the light path and good works. Handed President sachak (fabric that holds bread), became a symbol of well-being and prosperity of the country, and a quiver of arrows in this ritual symbolized the unity and solidarity of the people.


February 11, 2007, elections of President were held in Turkmenistan, became a triumph of true government by the people, national democracy approval of Turkmen nation.  Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich Berdymukhamedov was elected as President of Turkmenistan. On  12-th of February, 2012 elections were held, at which Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich Berdymukhamedov was again elected as the President. 

After Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov was elected to the post of the President, there were opened a lot of new buildings and laid the foundation for the construction of houses, administrative buildings, parks and school facilities.

Facilities, processing photos and photo panels related to the life and work of the President as head of state, in harmony with the audio-visual media of the new generation, which can be traced through changes in the country in the fields of education, science, culture, social life and cooperation with the countries of the world.


Gifts from the people of Turkmenistan, foreign citizens, companies, firms, and government officials around the world complete the artistic design of a composition associated with the development of the country with the chanting of the motherland.