Gift to the museum

The State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan - the largest collection of the valuable artefacts, which open the rich historical past and a variety of flora and fauna of our country, which is always replenished. In October of this year the well-known geologist of Turkmenistan, the candidate of geological and mineralogical science, the lecturer of Magtymguly Turkmen State University Anatoly Grigoryevich Bushmakin has transferred his collection of the pictures painted by him for more than 40 years of his life without compensation. He has presented 50 pictures painted by watercolour and 30 graphic works

Anatoly Grigoryevich became to take a great interest in painting in school years. He attended a study group of the young artist in the Palace of pioneers of Ashgabat city. Art of painting, colour matching were taught to Anatoly by the Honoured artist of Turkmenistan Ivan Illarionovich Ilyin. The teacher has noticed abilities of the young pupil, who differed by the artistic handwriting and especial vision of the nature. Ivan Illarionovich has decided that his pictures are worthy to represent Turkmenistan at All-Union competition among pupils and was not mistaken with a choice. Anatoly's seven pictures have been sent to Moscow, where they have won first place. One work has been published in "Pioneer" magazine in 1950.

After the success of beginner artist I.Ilyin has predicted him the far-reaching importance in art. However, love to geology was stronger than hobby for painting. After finishing school and active duty Anatoly in 1953 entered Gorky Turkmen State university of, where acted the department of geology. The love to art was always with him, he attended art school where developed the skill at leisure-time. Nevertheless, in two years the department of geology was closed and the young man, at the drop of a hat entered mining faculty of All-Union Polytechnic Institute in Moscow,   by speciality of geology and investigation of minerals and became the mining geological engineer.

Anatoly Grigoryevich’s life is very manifold, interesting and full of events. He participated in various prospecting expeditions, in 1980 in Moscow has defended the dissertation, candidate's thesis, candidate of geological and mineralogical science, travelled through our country and visited many countries of the world. Since 2005 he is the honourary member of alpinist club «Аgаmа», taught at Turkmen Polytechnic institute and now opens to students the secrets of the geological science. Besides it, Anatoly Grigoryevich during his life has founded some geological museums, where are exposed collections of minerals and the fossils found and collected by him. Now he is a manager of the geological museum in the new building of Geographical faculty of Magtymguly Turkmen State University. Here are presented not only fossils of various prehistoric epochs, minerals of our country and other regions of the world, but also the models of the Khojapil plateau made by him with footprints of dinosaurs, of the Kunyaurgench meteorite and a geological nature sanctuary of mud volcano Boyadag. The walls of museum are decorate by very bright landscapes: the coal period and prehistoric animals of the Mesozoic era, drawn by A.Bushmakin with oil paint. Schoolchildren are frequent visitors of a museum and the students who   learn very many from fascinating excursions of Anatoly Grigoryevich. The museum is opened for all who wishes.

Being so busy, Anatoly Grigoryevich found time for art as well. Wherever he travelled paints and a paper are his permanent companions. In the pictures, which were transferred to the museum, are depicted the most beautiful places of the nature and historical monuments of Turkmenistan: Nohur falls, Каplankyr, Sekisyap, Germap, Sayvan, medieval historical monuments of Kunyaurgench, Mashad-Misrian and others.

Many pictures are devoted to Iraq. In 1987 in Bagdad was carried out world exhibition of national economy, where A.Bushmakin was responsible for pavilion of the industry of Turkmenistan and carried out excursions to visitors of the exhibition. And drew sights of Iraq at his spare time «Entrance to Babylon», a fountain «Forty jugs», a sculpture of a lion, a palace at the Euphrates river and others.

A. G. Bushmakin has visited in many countries of the world. Many of his pictures are devoted to these travels. Picturesque work «Building of parliament on the bank of Danube» (Hungary) reflects a majestic architectural structure in Budapest, a series of pictures in Crimea, in Caucasus, on Kolsky peninsula show beauty of the nature of regions. Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and other countries where A.Bushmakin has visited, are reflected in its works.

Several  times were organized personal exhibitions of Anatoly Bushmakin, where well-known artists of the country have evaluated his creativity.

Anatoly Grigoryevich many years co-operates with the State museum of Turkmenistan. Basically, he gathered a collection of minerals and the fossils, presented in expositions and storehouse of department of the Nature and local lore for the years of his scientific expeditions on our country. Besides it, his picture «Gaynarbaba» decorates a hall of the museum of Ethnography and   local lore of the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan. He visits museum very frequently, his interesting speeches at the exhibitions, theoretical and practical conferences help research fellows in studying of geological exhibits. Staff of the museum give high praise to A.G.Bushmakin as  the scientist with wide experience and heart.


Enedjan Аltyyeva, head of division

of Nature and Local Lore of the State museum of  the State

cultural centre of Turkmenistan.